Opportunities to reduce environmental impacts of concrete production in Panama





Environmental impacts; Technological routes; Sustainable construction.


Among the most used materials within the construction industry in Panama is, concrete, and it is expected to continue to be so, given the growth of the population that demands housing and infrastructure for a better quality of life. However, according to international literature, the production of concrete generates important environmental impacts and despite the fact that this material is in high demand in Panama, there are few studies on the production processes used and the environmental impacts caused by various activities within its production. For these reasons, this research has as a general objective to identify and propose strategies to reduce environmental impacts in the production of concrete in Panama. Consequently, when studying concrete production in Panama, it was possible to identify potential environmental impacts, analyze various success stories and propose strategies to minimize potential environmental impacts. Providing useful results for the academic community, government and industry and mainly to society, to timely and adequately address sustainability practices.


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How to Cite

Medina Sandoval, G. A., Rodríguez Cruz, B. A., & Mack-Vergara, Y. L. . (2022). Opportunities to reduce environmental impacts of concrete production in Panama. E-Acadêmica, 3(3), e0333264. https://doi.org/10.52076/eacad-v3i3.264



Exact and Technological Sciences