Comparative study of two auxiliary chemical substances protocols used two dental school (USP and UNICAMP)




Instrumentation; Chemical substance; Protocols; Chemical-surgical preparation.


All technological advances, with the central point of improving chemical-surgical preparations and increasingly efficient mechanical instrumentation, an effective endodontic failure rate has decreased due to advances in the introduction of new auxiliary active substances for instrumentation such as hypochlorite solution of sodium and chlorhexidine that offer the possibility of disinfection of the root canal system and the need for new protocols that can be performed in a single session. Therefore, the objective of this investigation, based on the pertinent literature of 30 scientific articles researched in the Google and Academic PubMed databases identified until May 2021, was to compare the action of two irrigating substances, sodium hypochlorite and chlorhexidine, both used in protocols from different faculties, one from the Faculty of Dentistry of the University of São Paulo that uses sodium hypochlorite solution for its ability to dissolve tissues in addition to having antibacterial action, and another from the Faculty of Dentistry of the University of Campinas that uses chlorhexidine, in the form of gel or liquid, as an irrigant, whose differential is that it has the property of agglutinating the entire dental substrate, not being toxic to periodontal tissues and having a long-lasting antimicrobial action.


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How to Cite

Medeiros, J. M. F. de ., Ferreira , G. de S. ., Lima, K. do C., Pedron, I. G. ., & Shitsuka, C. . (2022). Comparative study of two auxiliary chemical substances protocols used two dental school (USP and UNICAMP). E-Acadêmica, 3(3), e3833242.



Health and Biological Sciences