The role of health professionals in the identification of the diagnosis of HELLP syndrome and its complications
Health Care; Patient Assistance; HELLP Syndrome.Abstract
The study aims to present the pathophysiology of HELLP syndrome and to present the conduct of health professionals in identifying the diagnosis and specific care, considering all gestational complications, in a clinical case of this nature. This is an integrative literature review. The elaboration of a methodological survey for the research was carried out in the period of June 2022, the databases used were the Latin American and Caribbean Literature in Health Sciences and Medical Literature Analysis and Retrieval System Online, using the Health Science Descriptors, namely “Health Care”, “Patient Care”, and “HELLP Syndrome”, these crossed in English, through the Boolean operator AND. Nine studies were selected that passed the eligibility criteria and allowed the construction of a corpus of analysis. The results and discussions presented aspects such as the physiology of the HELLP syndrome, the differentiation from other complications and the clinical and laboratory procedures to be observed for its diagnosis, so that interventions can be carried out to modify the condition. However, the most effective measure to reduce the death rate from HELLP is prevention, that is, effective prenatal care to intervene as soon as possible in the control of hypertensive and cardiovascular diseases in early pregnancy.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Maria Eduarda Wanderley de Barros Silva; Rêmulo Jácome Fonsêca ; Ayákonis Rodrigues Mesquita de Sousa; Macionilo Lopes Cruz Neto; Gustavo Alexandre Maia Viana; Othon Luís Souza de Lucena; José Luiz do Nascimento Silva; Renata Drielle Oliveira; Frederico Tannus de Almeida; Felipe de Almeida Costa; Anny Caroline de Lima Bezerra; Suahd Shawqi Hilal Naser
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