Water balance and its comparison with 1996-2005, 2006-2015 compared to 2015 in the municipality of São Bento do Uma - PE





Evapotranspiration; Rain Distribution.


It is important to know the rainfall distribution and its variability in a region, aiming, therefore, to evaluate the periods of deficiency, surplus, withdrawal and replacement of water for the agricultural, agribusiness and poultry sectors, aiming at the water demand, since the water balance of the point from an agronomic point of view offers this planning. The rainfall data were acquired from the Superintendence of the Development of the Northeast and from the Pernambucana Water and Climate Agency between the years 1920 to 2016. Simplified calculations were used to define, mean, standard deviation, coefficient of variance, maximum and minimum absolute values ​​occurred, the rainy and dry seasons were defined. The temperatures were estimated by the methods of the multiple regression line taking into account the geographic coordinates. The analyzed parameters indicate insufficient conditions for the development of certain cultures and the sustainability of the development in the production of poultry with special care in the storage, damming and distribution of water in the drinkers since the temperature is high. The analysis of the spatial and temporal variability of rainfall provides information on how rural and urban people should establish measures for capturing rainwater and storing it using the wettest period. It appears that there were no water surpluses in the years studied, the values ​​of deficiencies were more significant in the year 2011 than in the period 1926-2010. Potential evapotranspiration was higher in 2011; there was an increase in precipitation of 159.9mm in 2011.    


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How to Cite

Medeiros, R. M. de ., França, M. V. de ., Saboya, L. M. F. ., Holanda, R. M. de ., Araújo, W. R. de ., & Braga, S. E. . (2022). Water balance and its comparison with 1996-2005, 2006-2015 compared to 2015 in the municipality of São Bento do Uma - PE. E-Acadêmica, 3(2), e7532226. https://doi.org/10.52076/eacad-v3i2.226



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