Analysis of the rainfall regime of Amparo de São Francisco – Sergipe, Brazil




Rainfall variability; Excess or lack of rain.


The obtaining of rainfall characteristics and their behavior are of great interest for their frequent application in hydraulic, agronomic and agricultural projects. To make this study we used monthly and annual precipitation data provided by the Superintendence of Development of the Northeast and the Company for Technical Assistance and Rural Extension of the state of Sergipe between the years 1963 and 2019. Using the basic concept of qualitative statistics the following parameters were calculated (mean, median, mode, standard deviation, coefficient of variance, kurtosis, asymmetry, maximum and minimum absolute values and their quarterly, annual rainfall indices and their anomaly). This study aims to provide tools for planning and actions to improve the management of water resources using catchment systems and storage, avoiding the problem of water scarcity. Positive anomalies are recorded in seven municipalities while negative anomalies occur in eighteen municipalities. Rainfall fluctuations provide a proportional aid to decision makers aiming to reduce climate impacts for inhabitants. The exploratory and uniform analyses helped to increase the knowledge of the rainfall distribution, finding that the median would not represent the recorded rainfall indices.


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How to Cite

França, M. V. de ., Medeiros, R. M. de ., Saboya, L. M. F., & Holanda, R. M. de . (2022). Analysis of the rainfall regime of Amparo de São Francisco – Sergipe, Brazil. E-Acadêmica, 3(2), e7632225.



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