Factors that influence the maternal food pattern for the development of pregorexia





Nutrition; Eating Disorder; Eating Behavior; Pregnancy; Body dissatisfaction.


The study, analysis and monitoring of patients in the gestational process is of great importance, to observe their evolution, if it is within the expected and a possible development of changes throughout the process, such as the development of pregorexia. Pregorexia is a term adopted in recent years to refer to eating disorders in pregnant women, which result in changes in their eating behavior, which can affect pregnancy, causing harm to the mother and baby. The objective of the study was to analyze the factors that can influence the maternal eating pattern and its relationship with the development of eating disorders, giving more visibility to the topic. A cross-sectional and descriptive research was carried out. The research took place through a questionnaire, via Google Forms, in which 38 pregnant women were evaluated in order to analyze possible development of eating disorders during pregnancy. It was possible to observe a concern, on the part of the mothers, with weight gain and with their body image, even in the case of the gestational period where changes are common and expected. Associated with this extreme concern, recurrent or not, there are changes in eating practices, which must be identified and monitored, as they may be associated with the development of pregorexia, affecting the health of the mother and her child.


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How to Cite

Oliveira , A. de M. ., Sousa, I. B. de ., & Santos, A. C. de C. P. . (2022). Factors that influence the maternal food pattern for the development of pregorexia . E-Acadêmica, 3(2), e5232211. https://doi.org/10.52076/eacad-v3i2.211



Health and Biological Sciences