Systematic review of the assessment of placental insufficiency




Placenta; Insuficiência placentária; Gestação de risco.


Introduction: Placental changes are related to unfavorable outcomes such as placental infarction, chorioamnionitis and even fetal death, and may be associated with changes in the embryo and fetus with late repercussions, including prematurity. The objective of this work is to develop an assessment of placental function to assess pregnant women at risk of placental insufficiency. Methods: Systematic literature review based on ten works chosen through a search on research platforms, using specific terms such as placental insufficiency and placenta. Results: Placental insufficiency is strictly related to maternal conditions such as Gestational Diabetes mellitus, Systemic Arterial Hypertension, infectious processes, Collagenosis, Nephropathies, Thrombophilia, Cyanotic Heart Diseases. Hypertensive disease is responsible for the greatest cause of maternal death. Case studies revealed that ultrasound associated with Doppler velocimetry of maternal, fetal and fetal-placental arteries showed great specificity in the evaluation of cases of placental insufficiency. The anatomohistopathological study is important to evaluate acute and chronic perinatal insults, specific etiologies related to pregnancy, specific pathologies of multiple pregnancies and change the management to seek better results and prognoses. Conclusion: The studies demonstrated effectiveness in preventing negative outcomes and in the early recognition of placental insufficiency, associated with early intervention, exemplified in the use of aspirin by hypertensive pregnant women starting below 16 weeks of gestation. This evaluation Macroscopic examination should be performed showed that performing ultrasound associated with Doppler velocimetry has a greater negative predictive value to screen these cases. In the immediate postpartum period. The anatomohistopathological examination has wide maternal, fetal/neonatal and placental indications.


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How to Cite

Silva, C. S. da ., Silva, D. A. dos S. ., Nascimento, H. R. do ., & Prado, M. P. . (2022). Systematic review of the assessment of placental insufficiency . E-Acadêmica, 3(2), e4232201.



Health and Biological Sciences