Telephone interceptation as a means of proof and the inviolability of communications




Telephone interception; Secrecy; Test.


The Magna Carta ensures the right to secrecy of telephone communications, enshrined in art. 5th as a stony clause. However, this fundamental right is not constituted as absolute, and there may be violation according to the need for the collective good. Law No. 9,296/96 regulates art. 5 of the Magna Carta, establishing criteria for telephone interception, and one of these is the need for judicial authorization. If the interception is carried out without the proper authorization of the competent judge, it becomes illicit evidence, however, it may become lawful in accordance with the principle of proportionality. It is understood that telephone interception is an instrument for obtaining evidence that must comply with the normative requirements of Law No. 9,296/96. Every citizen has the right to produce evidence guaranteed by the full defense and the contradictory, therefore, the criminal procedure brings requirements on the obtaining of evidence. The objective of the study was to analyze the legal possibilities for telephone interception without harming the person's right to privacy. For this, a bibliographic research was carried out where authors who subsidize the themes, laws and jurisprudence were approached. The research, in this aspect, discusses telephone interception analyzing legislation, doctrine and jurisprudence.

Author Biography

Daniel Lemos Coelho de Macedo, Faculdade de Colinas do Tocantins

Academic Law course


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How to Cite

Macedo, D. L. C. de ., & Nascimento, F. T. . (2022). Telephone interceptation as a means of proof and the inviolability of communications. E-Acadêmica, 3(2), e4532199.



Human, Social and Educational Sciences