Worker health: a human right




Rights; Humans; Worker; Health.


Faced with the problematic economic, social and political relations, where Human Rights are understood, a theme becomes relevant to be discussed: Workers' health as a Human Right. Work activities are part of the development context of society and human relations and, as they are at the center of these, the worker needs to have his life and health legally protected. The present study aims to bring to the understanding the meaning of workers' health as a Human Right, highlighting concepts and meanings about health and work, briefly exposing Human Rights, worker health and Brazilian legislation on the subject. To this end, the methodology used was a bibliographic research of a descriptive and exploratory nature. The research resulted in a textual production divided into four descriptive and related topics, namely: Concepts of Health and Work, Human Rights to Health, Workers' health, Workers' right to health. Through the narratives, the study clarified, with simple, clear and objective language, about the topic addressed, including, in the final considerations, not only the conclusions but also the author's impressions.


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How to Cite

Carvalho, E. F. de ., Araujo, P. Q. ., Lopes, V. A. ., Carvalho, A. dos S. M. de ., Albuquerque, L. F. da S. ., & Silva, L. C. de A. . (2022). Worker health: a human right. E-Acadêmica, 3(2), e3732186.



Human, Social and Educational Sciences