The use of xylitol in minimally invasive dentistry




Xylitol; Caries; Prevention.


Xylitol is a low-calorie sweetener, with several health benefits. In dentistry, the xylitol has been very important, as it has a lower oral bacteria fermentation and it act as a dental enamel remineralizing agent. This study aimed to investigate the presentations and use of xylitol and its applicability in caries prevention in minimally invasive dentistry. This study consists of a literature review, based on the search for complete articles, in English, selected in PubMEd and Scielo. Even though that the xylitol obtaining process is expensive, it presents as an additional way to treat and prevent caries lesions. When it is used in correct concentrations can be included in minimally invasive dentistry, especially in children with high caries risk, pregnant women and patients with special needs.


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How to Cite

Cherry, T. L. V., Gonçalves, G. A. ., Okamoto, R. T. dos S. ., Shtisuka, C. ., Pedron, I. G., & Cordeschi, T. (2022). The use of xylitol in minimally invasive dentistry . E-Acadêmica, 3(2), e7132184.



Health and Biological Sciences