Tissue regeneration in the treatment of atrophic scars: a systematic review





Microneedling; Acne; Aesthetics; Scar.


Introduction: The scars caused by acne are among the aspects that negatively affect the psychological profile and physical appearance of people. It is common for acne to start at puberty, with greater emphasis on adolescents between 14 and 17 years old. Among the various aesthetic treatments indicated to improve the regeneration and appearance of acne-prone and acne-scarred skin, we have microdermabrasion, also called crystal peeling and microneedling, intended to even out the skin. General objective: List the main treatments for atrophic scars caused by acne. Methodology: This is an integrative literature review research, presented in a qualitative way. Data collection was performed through an electronic search in the National Library of Medicine and Caribbean Health Sciences databases for the period from 2011 to 2022. To compose the data searches, the Health Sciences Descriptors were used: acne , microneedling, aesthetics and scarring. Conclusion: The microneedling technique is effective for disorders of the epidermis, such as atrophic acne scars, with an overall improvement in skin texture, with good clinical results, without any serious complications after the procedure.


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How to Cite

Miranda, S. de S. T. ., Vogado , T. C., Silva, W. C., Rodrigues, K. G., Porfírio, P. M. N. ., Longatti, S., & Ferreira, L. . (2022). Tissue regeneration in the treatment of atrophic scars: a systematic review. E-Acadêmica, 3(2), e2032164. https://doi.org/10.52076/eacad-v3i2.164



Health and Biological Sciences