Comparison of surgical techniques for delayed tooth eruption


  • Ricardo Shitsuka Universidade Federal de Itajubá
  • Thalya Horsth Maltarollo Faculdade São Leopoldo Mandic
  • Hatsuo Kubo Universidade Brasil
  • Caleb Shitsuka Universidade Brasil
  • Irineu Gregnanin Pedron Universidade Brasil


teaching; paediatric destistry; surgery


Tooth eruption is a physiological process by which a tooth travels from its place of development to the occlusal plane. In deciduous and permanent teeth at the appropriate eruption time it is important to avoid negative aesthetic, functional and psychological consequences. The objective of the work is to report two clinical cases of patients who presented delay tooth eruption in this way, comparing two surgical techniques as the treatment of choice, through ulectomy and ulotomy (modified in “T”), in order to remove fibrotic tissue excess and enable their eruption. The diagnosis of teeth with delayed eruption is important to avoid aesthetic, functional, phonetic and psychological sequelae. In addition, the choice of appropriate treatment is complex, since few cases are described in the literature


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How to Cite

Shitsuka, R. ., Maltarollo, T. H. ., Kubo, H. ., Shitsuka, C. ., & Pedron, I. G. . (2020). Comparison of surgical techniques for delayed tooth eruption. E-Acadêmica, 1(1), e13. Retrieved from


