Fibromyalgia and physical exercise: a literature review




Fibromyalgia; Physical exercise; Chronic pain.


Fibromyalgia (FM) is a chronic and diffuse pain syndrome, characterized by the presence of multiple painful regions, called tender points (or trigger points). Its pathophysiology involves central sensitization, changes in the processing of peripheral nociceptive stimuli and the functional deficit of the descending modulatory system. Physical activity is able to raise serotonin and endorphin levels, which are decreased in fmS patients. This study aims to describe the relationship between the practice of physical activity and the symptomatological improvement of fibromyalgia. A quantitative and retrospective study was carried out with descriptive approach, developed based on materials already prepared and published between 2015 and 2021, collected in the bibliographic databases: PUBMED and SCIELO, in English, Portuguese and Spanish. According to the research conducted, the selected works stated that the regular practice of moderate intensity physical activity causes a positive long-term effect on physical form, pain, the impact of the disease and quality of life in patients with fibromyalgia. Thus, to improve the symptomatology, in addition to pharmacological treatment, it is essential to practice physical exercise in any way, as long as it is performed regularly.


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How to Cite

Arantes, M. de O. ., Gonzalez , G. M. M. ., Oliveira, M. C. ., Ribeiro, N. M. G. R. ., Lucena, A. Y. R. ., Melo, E. M. de, Santos, A. M. R. ., Pitoscia, G. O. ., Castro, I. M. ., Ferreira, F. A. de A. ., Araújo, B. da C. ., Araújo, P. da C. ., Souza, M. F. de ., Pinheiro, C. de P. C. ., Souza , L. A. de ., Santos, A. L. R. ., Pascal, A. V. P. de C. ., Boza, J. M. D. B. de O. ., Sousa, A. L. S. ., Silva, R. C. de L. L. e ., Carvalho, J. P. de A. ., Facundo, K. S. ., Melo, A. K. P. de ., Cutrim Júnior, C. de J. ., Assub, I. M. ., & Gomes, M. E. M. . (2022). Fibromyalgia and physical exercise: a literature review. E-Acadêmica, 3(1), e2331122.


