Apicification of tooth with open apex using MTA: case report





Apicification; Aggregate of mineral trioxide; Incomplete rhizogensis.


The endodontic treatment of young permanent teeth with incomplete root formation is one of the great difficulties encountered by dentists, due to the fact that the apices are open with thin and divergent dentinal walls. Apexification induces the formation of a calcified barrier that can determine complete or incomplete root development. The objective of this study was to describe a clinical case of a tooth with a periapical lesion with an open apex. The therapy performed was conducted to develop a barrier with MTA. Thus, the disinfection of the root canal system was performed with files of the third series and as intracanal medication, Ultracal was used. After 15 days, the barrier was made with MTA, and after 24 hours, the root canal was filled with rolled cones. Thus, it is concluded that the therapy within the technical norms determines the success of the treatment of teeth with incomplete root formation.


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How to Cite

Travassos, R. M. C. ., Acioli, A. C. R. ., Barbosa, A. M. C. ., Cruz, G. V. ., Melo, J. A. ., Souza, J. V. M. de ., & Menezes, M. L. S. de . (2022). Apicification of tooth with open apex using MTA: case report. E-Acadêmica, 3(1), e2431115. https://doi.org/10.52076/eacad-v3i1.115



Health and Biological Sciences