About the Journal

1. Focus and Scope

The e-Acadêmica journal is a multidisciplinary scientific publication focused on recent discoveries in various areas of knowledge. It is a quarterly journal that publishes various types of manuscripts in various areas of knowledge.

Submissions are evaluated by means of peer review (Double Blind Review) with expertise in the area of ​​the manuscript.

It has the International Standard Serial Number - ISSN: 2675-8539 and CrossRef (Digital Object Identifier - DOI)

2. Section policies

e-Academica is divided into the following areas of knowledge:

Health and Biological Sciences

Exact and Technological Sciences

Human, Social and Educational Sciences

Teaching and Educational Sciences


Preliminary Note

3.  Indexing

e-Acadêmica is indexed in the systems:

Digital Object Identifier (DOI)

Google Acadêmico

Latindex Directorio

LIVRE -  Revistas de Livre Acesso

Sumários.org   -  Sumários de Revistas Brasileiras

4. Periodicity

The e-Acadêmica magazine is a periodical of continuous publication, with numbers organized every four months.

5. Open Access Policy

This journal offers immediate free access to its content, following the principle that making scientific knowledge freely available to the public provides greater worldwide democratization of knowledge.

6. Publication cost (APC)

The publication fee is R$ 300.00 (Three hundred  reais) for authors in Brazil. 

For authors from other countries the price is 100 US $ payable via PayPal.

The publication fee is charged only for accepted papers. There is no submission fee.

7. Archiving/Backup

This journal uses the LOCKSS system to create a file system distributed among participating libraries and allows them to create permanent journal files for preservation and restoration.

8. Special issues, Supplements and Thematic Dossiers

Sporadically, the journal may make calls for special issues, supplements or thematic dossiers. In these cases, the full articles will be evaluated according to the journal's arbitration process through double blind review.

9. Journal Editor

This is a publication by CDRR Editors. Avenida Sulim Abramovitc, 100 - Centro, Vargem Grande Paulista - SP, 06730-000
Email: rsd.articles@gmail.com

10. Advertising

e-Acadêmica  does not publish advertisements.

11. Journal History

The e-Acadêmica journal was created in 2020 and is an electronic, multidisciplinary, quarterly publication that publishes various types of manuscripts, in all areas of knowledge, to have a more critical and collaborative science.